Auro Domus d.o.o. vodi računa o sigurnosti i privatnosti Vaših osobnih podataka. Ova Pravila o privatnosti imaju svrhu objasniti kako i zašto prikupljamo Vaše osobne podatke, te kako ih koristimo.
U kontekstu Opće uredbe o zaštiti osobnih podataka (GDPR) Voditelj obrade je:
Auro Domus d.o.o.
Vjekoslava Spinčića 3/2
46688992812 |
Za sve upite i prigovore vezane uz sigurnost i privatnost Vaših osobnih podataka, molimo Vas kontaktirajte našeg Službenika/cu za zaštitu osobnih podataka:
Auro Domus koristi TalentLyft, aplikaciju u vlasništvu tvrtke AdoptoTech d.o.o. (U daljnjem tekstu „TalentLyft“) u sklopu Našeg procesa zapošljavanja.
TalentLyft, u svojstvu Izvršitelja obrade, obrađuje osobne podatke na naš zahtjev i na osnovu naših uputa.
Auro Domus i TalentLyft potpisali su Ugovor o obradi osobnih podataka kako bismo osigurali i zaštitili Vaša prava na privatnost podataka.
Prikupljeni podaci koriste se isključivo u svrhu provođenja procesa zapošljavanja. Navedeni proces može uključivati sljedeće:
Nakon prijave, bit će Vam omogućen pristup Portalu u sklopu kojega možete dobiti uvid u osobne podatke, zatražiti izvoz ili brisanje istih. Hiperlink do Portala nalazit će se u potvrdnom e-mailu nakon prijave na natječaj.
U bilo kojem trenutku možete zatražiti ispravak ili ažuriranje podataka, povući privolu za obradu istih ili u potpunosti obrisati Vaš profil.
Pristup Vašim osobnim podacima ograničen je na zaposlenike tvrtke uključene u proces zapošljavanja.
Vaši osobni podaci bit će pohranjeni do završetka natječaja za otvoreno radno mjesto za koje ste se prijavili, osim ako ste sami odabrali da Vaše podatke zadržimo na dulji vremenski period i obavještavamo Vas o budućim mogućnostima zaposlenja.
Podaci su pohranjeni na području Europske unije, a pristup istima osiguran je najvišim tehničkim standardima i praksama.
Processing controller
Auro Domus d.o.o. Takes account of safety and privacy of your personal data. The purpose of these Privacy rules is to explain how and why do we collect your personal data, and how do we use it.
Having regard of the REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (GDPR), processing controller is:
Auro Domus d.o.o.
Vjekoslava Spinčića 3/2
For any queries or complaints concerning the safety and processing of your personal data, please contact our Data Protection Officer:
Data privacy
Auro Domus uses TalentLyft, web application owned by company AdoptoTech d.o.o. ('TalentLyft') in the course of recruitment process.
TalentLyft, as Processor, processes personal data according to the request and instruction given by Auro Domus d.o.o.
Auro Domus and TalentLyft have concluded Data processing contract to ensure and protect your right to data protection.
Personal data that we collect
The purpose of data collection
The information collected is used solely for the purpose of the recruitment process. Recruitment process can include the following:
After the registration, you will be able to access the Portal where you can have an insight of our personal data, request export of your personal data or delete your personal data.
The hyperlink to the Portal will be in the confirmation e-mail that you will receive after applying to the job listing.
You can request the correction or an update of your personal data, as well as withdraw your consent for the processing of your personal data, or delete your profile at any given time.
Data access
The access to your personal data is limited to employees of the company enrolled in the recruitment process.
Your personal data will be stored until the end of the job listing for the position that you have applied for, except in case that you have chosen the option that we keep your personal data for the longer period of time and keep you informed of the future employment possibilities.
The personal data is stored in the European Union region and the access to the personal data is secured by the highest technical standards and practices.